Important information for applicants:
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation takes care of projects that are suitable for support. Due to the strictest quality requirements of the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation, unsolicited scholarship requests and application documents will neither be processed / not returned.

Our Foundation
- The purpose of the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is to promote dance and music on a high professional level.
- The Foundation provides specialised information, counselling, personal assistance, and points of contact to support its current and former scholarship recipients.
- Ilana Werner, former first soloist of the Bayrisches Staatsballett, is the Foundation’s main consultant for professional classical and modern dance.
- Mattia Zappa, international cellist, is the Foundation’s main consultant for music.
- The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation was established on 5 May 1990 in Zürich by Daniela Ambrosoli. The founder dedicated the foundation to her father Pierino Ambrosoli, a successful Ticino businessman of Italian origin, and to her mother Sonja Bragowa, a German expressive dancer from the 1920s.
- Other founding members of the Foundation include:
Dr Giancarlo Bertelli, director of the Locarno Theatre, Philippe Braunschweig, founder of the Prix de Lausanne, Malou Fenaroli-Leclerc, founder of the Swiss Professional Ballet School (SBBS), Dr Mario Guglielmoni and Dr Armin Zucker, attorneys at law.
Our special thanks
- Dr. Kai-Peter Uhlig, member of the board of trustees, from the law firm Werder Viganò AG (Zurich), Mr. Walter Boss and Mr. Reto Leemann from KBT Treuhand AG (Zurich), Mr. Stelio Beltraminelli, Mr. Elio Colombi and Mr. Angelo Lurati as well as Finpromotion S.A. (Lugano), for the support of the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation by all of the above companies and their charitable activities, without fully making their knowledge of the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation available
- Mr. Hans W. Schmidig for his charitable work as auditor of the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation from 1990-1996
- Ms. Ruth Suter for her work as Secretary General from 1990-1996
- Mr. Michel Jürgens for his work as Secretary General from 1998-2017
- Michael Wäckerlin for his work as an assistant from 2019-2021
- Dr. Armin Zucker from the law firm Meyer Lustenberger (Zurich) for his work as a member of the board of trustees and lawyer of the foundation from 1990 to 2014